11. June.2013

Hey Guys and Girls you would have never guessed what happend yesterday. I thought Macey was outside when she was actually under our bed on my sute case fast asleep!!!! And it dose show you somthing dosen't it. It show's you that I worry to much about things genuinely. But and it's a big But in this case it's much better to be a worryer then not because Macey's my baby and if I wasn't worried about her there would be something wrong. Anyway I forgot to tell you two very importent things one they've put a ramp on my back door thats level so that its easyer for me to go out and get Mace if she is being stubon and dosen't wanna come in when its time to. The other thing is that she's actually leant how to use the cat flap both ways now which is a releave. TTFM and thanks for reading


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