30. 4. 2013

At long last I'm back on Blogger after nearly a year off because this website wouldn't let me in cause it was set up for my old email sistom. Which was Hotmail anyway that was the passed and this is the present so Iwill start off by saying I've now got a cat called Macey who I've had for four mounths tomorrow. And she's been in doors for three mounths and it was only last week that Mum came down to help me let her out. But all last week when Mum was down Macey was being so stubon and would not go though the cat flap to go out! and so we had to open the door to let her out and now we are into the second day of the second week that Macey's aloud out and she still won't go out the cat flap when people are actully in the house. Anyhow last week wasn't all about Macey it was mainly about her but it wasn't all about her I mean Mum and I did go out and about as well. So all in all it was a good week last week but it was also a funny week as well. Because there was one day where we went into Canterbury on something called park and ride oh that bit was ok but as we got into Canterbury thats when things started getting stranger and stranger aspeceuly as we aproached the after noon when we left pizza express. First of all it started with some women spitting on the podestreon walk way as we were walking past then a teenager nearly sat on me and then to finish the whole day off the left was broken in M&S and so we had to use the staff left which ment that we had to share the left with another wheelchair user who proceeded to talk about his nether regins as we were taking him to the mens floor. So all in all it was a very strange day.


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