5 January 2012 8 January 2012
Hey can you believe it's 2012 already because I can! Anyway Christmas was so funny because we lead a place at the table for Misha and Paul even chopped her food up for her! We had pork and beef for Christmas dinner because I don't like turkey and for pudding we had bread and butter pudding because we don't like Christmas pudding well Paul doesn't mind it but I think he's the only one. Anyway after lunch I got ready for bed before we opened presents because it was getting late. Anyway I mainly got betty boop thing which I really wanted from my Mum and step Dad, I some betty boop pirfum from my sister and some more betty boop stuff from my Dad which was far to small oh and I also got a cd from my sister which was cool as well I think I got some bath stuff from Fliss I know I had some thotons chocolates from her and some bisics from the Kendells I got money from Grandma and money from Mark. So all in all I had a fab Christmas . the biggest surprise that I had was my betty betty boop posters, Which are now on my wall above my computer that my Dad put up last week end while Mum and I were in Asders. Anyway back to the Christmas holiday Sarai went home back to London with Paul a week before Mum and I and they took Misha with them so that we could do what we had to do without any interuptions in my last week in March I lernt how to do french nitting and I made Fliss a woly hat. oh on the Friday before we went bach to Kent with Mum and Paul my Dad came up to March and that was such an aventful morning but thats all I'm going to say about that.
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