Sunday 25 September 2011

Today is my birthday and I've had lots of nice presents to open which consisted of a new Betty Boop doovay cover which my sister had bought me, and that was a present that I loved. Oh you know I went to London yesterday to see the Lion King! I thought it was really good! But it was a bit of a night mare getting there because nearly all of the people that were in London eather didn't see my wheelchair or just didn't get out of the way quick enough. Anyhow about the Lion King when we finaly got there was really good, the bit that I like the most was when the monkey hit Simber on the head with her stick. The Lion King finished at about five so we then went to china town where we met Sarai in a chineses restront. where we all end up having speshle house noodle I took a while eating mine because some of my food got stuck. When we left the restront we found that we had a parking ticket for not showing the bage properly but that was rubish.


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