Monday 19 September Tuesday 20 September

Monday 19 September

If anyone from the Com care team ask me if I've had a good day or if they ask me first thing in the morning tomorrow when they come to get me up, I wont beat around the bush and say oh yes I have or yes I did have a good day because all in all that would be fibing wouldn't it! I will start from this morning well it started off well but from nine thirty onwould the day started to go a bit wrong because first of all the person who was ment to be with me to help me with shopping didn't turn up at mine then my lift turned up to take me without her here! And so I was getting worryed. Anyway I had to get on the bus and we had to go because he had to pick other people up. We aproached the second round about and the driver was going pritty fast by this time and I was trying to hold on to one of the seats as titely as possable but in the end that didn't work because my chair fell on top of me! The driver didn't think he was going that fast but beleave me he was. I said get an ambelants because when somebody hurts their head you've got to get them checked out regardlesss if they say their ok or not! Anyhow I went to Tescose and got my weekly shop and when I was ready and done with shopping I was ment to go back on kent karrours for home but I dicided to go home in a Taxi because I didn't trust his driving.. I did end up going to the hospital in the end because Strode Park wanted to make sure that I was ok. And it turned out I was ok.

Tuesday 20 September

This morning I phoned the wheelchair people to check my chair out because as you know I'm going to Mums soon and I can't wait because as I said I'm going to see our new cat. When I go and see Mum it's also my birthday and I'm going to see the lion king at the theatre! Thats why I would like my chair to be ok. Someone came to mesure my window's this morning as well because as I was trying to say the other day I'm getting dubble glazzing window's and a new door.


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