
Showing posts from September, 2011

Sunday 25 September 2011

Today is my birthday and I've had lots of nice presents to open which consisted of a new Betty Boop doovay cover which my sister had bought me, and that was a present that I loved. Oh you know I went to London yesterday to see the Lion King! I thought it was really good! But it was a bit of a night mare getting there because nearly all of the people that were in London eather didn't see my wheelchair or just didn't get out of the way quick enough. Anyhow about the Lion King when we finaly got there was really good, the bit that I like the most was when the monkey hit Simber on the head with her stick. The Lion King finished at about five so we then went to china town where we met Sarai in a chineses restront. where we all end up having speshle house noodle I took a while eating mine because some of my food got stuck. When we left the restront we found that we had a parking ticket for not showing the bage properly but that was rubish.

Saturday 24 september

I've finaly arrived in London after it was all touch and go yesterday weather I was going to make it here or not because you know the wheelchair people came on Wednesday, well I thought that they checked the whole of my chair over because of me going on holiday but they didn't. So when it came to the day Mum came to pick me up she found out that one of the handels was really hanging on by a thread. So we had phoned the wheelchair department and we were really quite lucky to be seen as quickly as we did because they were all just about to go home. And if we'de rang up a few seconds later we would have missed them. So I'm really glad that we didn't. cause it would have made my hoilday horrable I've got to go because I'll  be late for the theatre other whys and I've got have lunch before we go.

Monday 19 September Tuesday 20 September

Monday 19 September If anyone from the Com care team ask me if I've had a good day or if they ask me first thing in the morning tomorrow when they come to get me up, I wont beat around the bush and say oh yes I have or yes I did have a good day because all in all that would be fibing wouldn't it! I will start from this morning well it started off well but from nine thirty onwould the day started to go a bit wrong because first of all the person who was ment to be with me to help me with shopping didn't turn up at mine then my lift turned up to take me without her here! And so I was getting worryed. Anyway I had to get on the bus and we had to go because he had to pick other people up. We aproached the second round about and the driver was going pritty fast by this time and I was trying to hold on to one of the seats as titely as possable but in the end that didn't work because my chair fell on top of me! The driver didn't think he was going that fast but beleave m...

18 of September 2011

hey guy's thanks for joining me if your still reading my blogs! I know it's been a while but I haven't had much to say but now I've got plenty to say I'll start by saying this we've got a new cat called Misha and she is so cute. She had a bent ear when Paul first found her but it's straiten out now and I can't wait to see her.  I'm going on holiday next week and I get to see her then. Anyway did I menchon that I'm getting insterlation in my bungerlow soon so I'm looking forwould to that because I'll be a lot wormer. Anyway remember when I said I was going for a CT scan well I went and they had to enject this blue die into me and the only way I can desgrive it is by saying it like this. When they enjected the die into me the die made me feel like I was having a hot flush and it also made me feel like I was wetting myself laugh out loud woops laugh out loud that was on personal levle I'm sorry you didn't want to know that did you