2 july 2011

I'm sorry it took me a while to catch up with my blog I just haven't had anything to say. I've just come back from my holiday and for me it went to quickly, Oh when they did my colonoscopy they couldn't find anything. After coming back from the hospital Ispent one week at home with Mum and that was enjoyable and 2 tthweeks in March. Which I did not want to leave this time but I had to because Mum and Paul had hospital apointments themselfs. Well Mum had her apointment the same day that I had my doctors apointment, My doctors apointment went fine the doctors going to chase the hospital up for me. But I wish I could say the same for Mum shes got something wrong with her liver shes going to need more tests so we'll see how they go. I spent the last week of my holidayat home. I haven't really done much just went out on Thursday to get Mums birthday present and my sisters birthday card.


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