8 April 2012

Happy Easter everybody anyway today I am having a lazy day and having a bacon sandwich for lunch. I can't believe it's meant to be spring because the weather looks horrid out there okay now this is how relaxing my Easter day is so far! First of all I got up at seven had my belvita breakfast biscuits and a cup of tea as usual and after that I brushed my teeth and then I decided not to get dressed today because I didn't see the point if I wasn't going to go anywhere. Anyhow after brushing my teeth I decided to open my parcel inside my parcel was some ferrero rochers, twirl bites, seven aero biscuits and a big bag of cadberys mini eggs. In the after noon I watched the Simpson's and I am now watching Doctor Doolittle. Oh I forgot to tell you that the black and white flooring has arrived at carpit right but they are still coming to mesure the kitchen floor  TTFM Thanks for reading.


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