
Showing posts from March, 2011

31 March 2011

I'm sorry I haven't been on here lately to tell you whats been happening. I haven't been well again with my stomic. But don't worry I'm back for a while now so just to let you know I haven't forgot to write on here I also haven't had much to write on here either. This may or may not make sence but yesterday I had some people come round to see if they could fit a over head hoist in my room. So that I can get in bthe shower savely.

20 March 2011

Really now is the first time I've stop today, because lastnight my carers left the tap closed. So the floor was wet by the morning and belive me I was not a happy bunny. Today I've spend the day trying and cleaning my bed room carpet and I know my Mum phoned me this morning and said to check every evening to see if the tap is closed but its not easy since I don't know which is closed and which open on my bottle. So thats what I've been doing all day. That and having stumoc cramps so all in all I haven't had a good day.

19 March 2011

Yesterday was red nose day and I went to lifestyles in my Chelsea footy shirt because we had to go to lifestyles in bright cloths. In the morning we decorated fairy cakes with Maggie and I think we razed about 84 pounds, in the evening I watched comic relieve. I've forgotten how much they razed but I know it was a lot. I also forgot to say that the Friday fokes group and I went to the pub. Today its just same old same old.

15 March 2011

I know last nights blog didn't make sense but that was because I was tired. So I must apologise for that fact anyway I'm not going out anywhere today because I've got a care review which will be nice and simple we hope or I hope. Oh by the way I still haven't heard from the hospital about my second attempt at them doing the colonoscopy; May be I'll hear today. You never know, I'm just getting board of waiting for an appointment now. who ever said good morning let the stress begin was right laugh out loud. well I've had my review and I think it all went well except I'm not very keen on the person who did it because she was that wrote in my communication for com care that she suggested I shouldn't go home for Christmas and if I'd Liston to her I could have died. She said that could she ring Mum to preppier her for what she was about to see. But what she meant was could she ring Mum to tell her not to come and get me. I think that Darn is a lire and...

14 March 2011

On Friday I went to life stiles and I found out that my favrate carere had left Strode Park. In some ways I think I'd have been better off not knowing that hed left Strode than having to find out that he had left my people asking at lesst they could have waited till I was out of the  room before they asked. Anyhow I don't blame him for leaving, Heres what I think I may be wrong or I may right but only God knows that. Anyway I think he left because it all got a little bit to much for him working after coming back after being ill and I know that  hes not fully better bless him and that he can't come back because of that fact. But I know this for sure I know that I and everyone else that have worked with him closely will miss him very much at Strode. I am not saying his name on perpours. Anyway enough about that, I spent all weekend serching on line for pads only for them to be sent back my Mother because they always the wrong ones that I'd ordered.

10 March 2011

I know I haven't been on here for a few days, So I must catch you up.  I went to see Gomeo and Julet yesterday and it wasn't as good as I thought it would be. Anyway I know I'm going back a week but the sety came in the end which I was pleased about. But the thing that I wasn't pleased about was the fact that Argos just dumped the sety in the middle of the sitting room for my Mum to unpack but you would have thought that they would have unpacked it for her. Because she has got a bad back.

5 March 2011

I know I should have wrote my blog on Thursday but I was to tired to write it then. So I'm trying to catch up now on Thursday morning Paul came round with Stu and that was kind of good but I really wasn't exepecting them to come. So it sort of court me out a bit anyway they came round and Stu had a drink of diet coke then they left. And in the after noon Fliss came round and we went to the Harvister and Fliss had chicken I can't remeber what Mum had but I had fish and chips. For pudding Mum and Fliss had icecream and because I don't like icecream I had trecal spunch with custerd, When we came home Fliss had a cup of tea.

2 March 2011

To continue from where I left off erm I continued having a really bad stumoc. So I got rushed into hospital because Mum and I thought I had Melena, Melena is when your stools are also very black but sticky instead of just black like the iron tablets make my stools. So I went into hospital and got put strait onto a drip so they could get some fluids in me. The doctors found out that I didn't have melena and that I was just dehydrated from having the runs. They also said that they are going to leave the investigation to  do with the anemia to Canterbury Hospital. Talking about Canterbury Hospital they phoned up the other day and they said that they can do the colonoscopy while I'm asleep. And I've got some more good news the nurse at the hospital has asked for a side room for me this time to save me embarrassment. That was on Montut day, On Tuesday Mum and went shopping, in Canterbury and we had a good day I think Mum bought some shoes  and I bought something to fix my play...